Sunday, 31 May 2009

daubing in earnest

Today, blazing hot again, fantastic, Chris, Jo and Malachi came down with me Nick and the Kids, much mud was slung!

Friday, 29 May 2009


Jo B back for the 3rd time, with Jane, Caitlin, Sadie and Cara, and Dolly the dog. Som good daubing.

porziuncola sundial

Thursday, 28 May 2009

the daubing begins

Great days work today. Jon, Elly, Stephen, Emma and Carol along to work with me. The gables were erected, the ridgepole, some purlins, nearly all the wattling done and the daube begun. Fantastic.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

wattling making progress

Tim and Teresa came over we had a lovely lunch with Teresa's sister Fiona. The chain saw I'd hired was impossible to start, but Tim hand sawed. Thanks Tim. xx

Monday, 25 May 2009

wattling the Porziuncola

wattling the Porziuncola

we are really steaming ahead with the buikding work - still a way to go though.
I need to cut more branches/ material for wattling with. today we had the Edwards, Mary and Trudy, Jo O, and jo's sister Anne, Jo B, me and Nick.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Beginning the Wattle

Me Nick and the kids with Jo, Elly, .Charlotte, Mary, Trudy, and Sandra